This Salon is conducted in conformity with the Photographic Society of America (PSA). Acceptances and awards from this Salon are eligible for PSA Star Ratings, ROPA, and listing in Who’s Who.
With the PSA ROPA, the International Photography Salon world is back and kicking with aflame passion once more. As we are chasing Stars or Galaxies, at the same time, we can use the Star and Galaxy Certificates to apply for the ROPA photography titles which we can proudly put behind our name as a recognition of our achievement in photography. The applications for ROPA Distinctions are based on awarded Stars and Galaxy Ratings as represented by the certificates received for the rating.
It is not an easy path, no things are easy, but achieveable.
And with the many well written salon software being created, makes Salon participation a breeze. Online submission of works with online payment, and prompt receipt of report cards are some of the norms today.
To achieve a Recognition of Photographic Achievement (ROPA) Distinction, a PSA member (membership open to anyone) may accumulate the acceptances from PSA patronised Salons to apply for Star Ratings. Once the member has accumulated sufficient acceptances as verified by their Star Ratings and Galaxy certificates they can apply for ROPA Distinctions.
The Star Ratings and ROPA Distinctions route is a good motivation to keep one actively involved in photography, pushing oneself to keep getting new photographic works and in time to come, one will have a good decent portfolio of images. This route is also a testament of one’s achievement in photography and recognised by a worldwide body for photography.
Images that are accepted in PSA patronised Salons are eligible to be used by PSA members to apply for PSA Star Rating. Stars are awarded for increasing levels (One Star, Two Stars, Three Stars etc eventually to Galaxies) based on an established minimum number of titles and acceptances for each level. One image MUST have only one title and MUST NOT have multiple titles. There is no limit to the number of acceptances one image may achieve be recognised for Star Ratings. There is a limit to the number of acceptances one image may achieve to be recognized for Galaxy Ratings.
In PSA, every Division (or Class within a Division), is different and has it’s own Star Path. If a picture can be entered in Nature or Photo Travel, it could also be entered in a Pictorial division such as PIDC or PIDM or one of the Pictorial Print Division classes, (large or small color prints, or large or small monochrome prints). It would be eligible to earn acceptances that can be used toward stars in those divisions/classes. Only acceptances accepted in a section patronized by a given Division/Class may be used towards stars in that Division/Class.
Also remember that some exhibitions allow both Color and Monochrome images to be entered in a PID Color Class, PIDC, section of their exhibition. Any acceptance earned in a PIDC Section, whether the image is color or monochrome, is considered a PIDC acceptance and goes toward PIDC Stars. Only acceptances earned in a PID Monochrome Class, PIDM, section of an exhibition count toward PIDM stars.
Star Ratings and Galaxy Certificates across different divisions can be accumulated and be used to apply for ROPA Distinctions.
With the Galaxy Ratings, all images and associated acceptances used for Star Ratings 1 – 5 MUST be retired and never used again for any Galaxy Rating. None of these are eligible for use in Galaxy Ratings. Any acceptances of those photographs not already claimed for a Star Rating level are lost.
Each Galaxy Rating must use new titles that have never been used for prior Star or Galaxy Ratings. For Galaxy 1 – 5 you need 25 new photographs for each Galaxy, each accepted 3 times. For Galaxy 6 – 10 you must use 50 new photographs for each Galaxy, each accepted 3 times. Any acceptances over those 3 each photograph cannot be used for higher ratings.
All photographs used for one Galaxy Level must be retired and cannot be used for higher Galaxy levels.
- 1 STAR – 18 acceptances with at least 6 titles
- 2 STARS – 36 acceptances with at least 12 titles
- 3 STARS – 72 acceptances with at least 24 titles
- 4 STARS – 144 acceptances with at least 48 titles
- 5 STARS – 288 acceptances with at least 96 titles
- Galaxy 1 to 5 – 25 new titles each, each title 3 acceptances
- Galaxy 6 to 10 – 50 new titles each, each title 3 acceptances
- Diamond 1 to 5 – 50 new titles each, each title 6 acceptances
- Diamond 6 to 10 – 75 new titles each, each title 6 acceptances
Case Study 1:
Lets take 1 star for example for PIDC
1 Star – 18 acceptances with 6 titles.
In PIDC, Photographer A has a photo titled “women in red” gaining 12 acceptances and 6 other titles gaining 1 acceptance each, he may use these for 1 Star application.
Case Study 2:
Lets take 3 stars for example for PIDC
3 Star – 72 acceptances with 24 titles.
In PIDC, A photographer B has a photo titled “boat in mist” achieving 23 acceptances, a photo titled “women in red” achieving 29 acceptances and 22 other photos each achieve one acceptance each, he is eligible for 3 Stars.
Case Study 3:
Lets take 3 stars for example for PIDC
3 Star – 72 acceptances with 24 titles.
Photographer C has the following photographs “Women in red” achieving 24 acceptances in PIDC Color Open, “Boat in the mist” achieving 14 acceptances in PIDC Color Open, “Man with Beard” achieving 10 acceptances in PIDC Portrait Theme, “Water Melody” achieving 10 acceptances in PIDC water theme PLUS 20 other photographs each achieve 1 acceptance in PIDC Color OPen. This brings a total of 78 acceptances for PIDC (open plus theme). He is eligible to use these for his 3 star application. (NOTE: Even though 78 acceptances would be used for the 3 star application, the certificate will only indicate the number of acceptances required.)
(Star Ratings Certificates are proof of the number of acceptances you have received and the Certificates from various divisions can be combined to apply for ROPA)
- PROFICIENCY (PPSA) – 288 acceptances
(Example – PIDC 4 stars [144 acc] + PIDM 2 stars [36 acc] + ND 3 stars [72 acc] + PTD 2 stars [36 acc] = 288 acceptances) - EXCELLENCE (EPSA) – 700 acceptances
- MASTER (MPSA) – 1500 acceptances
- GRAND MASTER (GMPSA) – 3000 acceptances
More information on the Star Ratings and ROPA can be found on http://www.psa-photo.org/index.php?stars-and-ropa
PSA 推出的ROPA 名衔制度,国际摄影沙龙世界再一次活跃起来。当我们正在追逐“星座”统计,在同一时间,我们可以使用的“星座”统计证书申请ROPA 名衔。我们可以很自豪地在我们的名字后面打印这些收国际承认的摄影名衔,表示我们在摄影的成就。
PSA 会员 (会员开放给任何人) 可累积从沙龙入选积分,来申 请 “星座”统计证书。
- 1 STAR (一星座名衔) : 至少6张照片,18次入选
- 2 STAR (二星座名衔) : 至少12张照片,36次入选
- 3 STAR (三星座名衔) : 至少24张照片,72次入选
- 4 STAR (四星座名衔) : 至少48张照片,144次入选)
- 5 STAR (五星座名衔) : 至少96张照片,288次入选
- Galaxy 1 to 5 (宇宙一到五): 每层25 张新作品, 每张照片入选3次
- Galaxy 6 to 10 (宇宙六到十): 每层50 张新作品, 每张照片入选3次
- Diamond 1 to 5 (钻石一到五):每层50 张新作品, 每张照片入选6次
- Diamond 6 to 10 (钻石六到十):每层75 张新作品, 每张照片入选6次
比如PIDC 1 星座
1 星座 – 18 张入选,至少6 标题。
在 PIDC,摄影师 A 有一张照片,标题为”women in red” 获得 12 次入选,另外有 6 张 照 片 各 获得 1 次入选,他可能会使用这些累积分数申请PIDC 1 星座。
3星座 – 72张入选,至少24 标题。
在 PIDC,摄影师 B 有一张照片,标题为 “boat in mist”获得 23 次入选、 一张照片,标题为”women in red” 获得 29 次入选和 22 张 其它照片各 获得 1 次入选,他可能会使用这些累积分数申请PIDC 3 星座。
3星座 – 72张入选,至少24 标题。
在PIDC公开,摄影师 C 的照片”Women in red”获得 24 次入选, ” Boat in the mist ” 获得 14 次入选。
在PIDC 人像特别组,照片”Man with Beard” 获得 10 次入选。
在PIDC 水特别组,照片”Water Melody” 获得 10 次入选。
在PIDC公开,有20 张 其它照片各 获得 1 次入选。
他可能会使用这些累积分数申请PIDC 3 星座。
- 熟练程度 PROFICIENCY (PPSA) – 288 入选
(示例 – PIDC 4 星 [144 acc] + 马存保机构 2 星 [36 acc] + ND 3 星 [72 acc] PTD 2 星 [36 acc] = 288 接受) - 卓越EXCELLENCE (EPSA) – 700 入选
- 大师MASTER (MPSA) – 1500 入选
- 超级大师GRAND MASTER (GMPSA) – 3000 入选
摄影师A 得到PID 组 5 星座文凭 (288 入选),他可以用来申请PPSA 名衔.
摄影师B 得到PID 组 3 星座文凭 (72入选),自然组3 星座文凭 (72 入选), 旅游组 4 星座文凭 (144 入选),他可以用来申请PPSA 名衔.